How many times & The Miracle of life
How many times you have thought,
that your life has lost all its beauty?
And how many times you were convinced,
that their will be no beauty and happiness in your life again?
How many times you were absolutely sure,
that you have no emotions left any more – for nothing and no one?
How many times you felt,
that you can‘t go on like this, but you had no answer where to go?
How many times you knew,
that you should leave the table, as love was not shared together with the meal?
And how many times loneliness was your only companion
and you could not imagine, that joy will ever be part of your life?
How many times your disappointment and frustration was bigger
than your love and understanding for the other?
How many times you did not want to wake up the next day,
BUT were so grateful that it happened?!
How many times you expected nothing,
BUT – what a surprise – you received much more
than you imagined and gave yourself?!
How many times you believed
that your misery will never end,
BUT all by a sudden everything became easier?!
How many times you resigned with no hope,
BUT the next day life offered you a new opportunity?!
How many times you were afraid and worried,
BUT finally things became smooth and even turned into an advantage?!
How many times you decided never to talk to a person again,
BUT after a while it was very easy?!
How many times you stopped believing in miracles,
BUT then, totally unexpected, it happened – the wonder and miracle of life?!
How many times you suffered, because you did not find answers for the pain you had to face and to carry?
BUT finally we all of us will understand, that life – whatever it offers – only wants to be lived, explored, experienced and solved in our own very personal way
AND can’t always be understood.
How many times you thought, life is just a duty,
BUT then you found out, that your duty became your joy?!!
© Christine Walderdorff